MT's Travel Notes

Our footsteps around the world …

Cancun Trip 2017

Written By: moonie - Aug• 18•17

8/18/2017 – 8/24/2017

Aeromexico flight, 1 stop in Mexico city for 1 and 1/2 hour.  When we arrived to Mexico City, it was raining so hard.  Not sure if that’s the reason why it took so long for the luggage to be ready.  Unfortunately for us we had to pick up our luggage, drop it off in the area near by then went thru the security gate to get to the boarding gate.  This whole process took too long that some of our family members missed the connection flight; they had to spend the night at the airport and then take the early flight on the next day morning at 6:00 AM.

Mom, Dad, Tim, William and I got to the boarding gate on time with the help of my brother in law Than.  Too bad that Than and his family & Huyen Thanh’s family were left behind.  The flight attendants told me that they had to close the door!

We got to the hotel around mid night, my brother Trong (who arrived from Maryland to the hotel around noon) was waiting for us at the lobby.  My dad did not know that Trong’s family was coming so that was a big surprise for him.

We were all so hungry so we called the room service, they don’t have that many choices, just hot dogs, cheese burgers and fries.  Everyone was so tired so they went to bed after that quick dinner.  I, in the other hand, trying to find a transportation for the group that was left behind at the Mexico City airport, who will arrive around 8 AM in the morning.

So I googled for Cancun airport shuttle; quite a few sites come up which is why I can’t decide what to choose.  I tried to call a few companies but the calls didn’t go thru!

I woke up early the next morning because I had to find a shuttle for my family who will be arrive to the airport soon.  So I came down to the lobby around 7 AM, asking for help.  They told me there’s taxi at the airport, no need to call to make reservation.  But I really did not like the idea that my family had to find a taxi in a foreign country like that, especially after spending the night at the airport.  So I asked if they can help me to call the numbers of those transportation companies that I found from Google.  They told me to use the hotel phone.  It turns out that every call from the hotel must go thru an operator who will connect your call; and they charge a fee for each call (about $2 USA), which is fine with me but unfortunately they cannot connect to the numbers that I gave them.

Desperately I did not know what to do; soon here came the life saver: my brother Trong.  He accidently ran into me so I told him about the situation; he said, “Let’s find the the Expedia guy”.  He took me to the Expedia desk; and the guy was so quickly solved our issue: he called his transportation company up and voila! done! It only costs $56 USA 1 way.  I was so relieved!  Why didn’t I think of that? In any resort there are always booths that selling tours who will also handle transportation.  It’d save me lots of time and energy and a sleepless night if I realized that sooner!


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