MT's Travel Notes

Our footsteps around the world …

Bishop / Mammoth Lakes Trip 2017 – Day 3

Written By: moonie - Oct• 09•17

Mon 10/9/2017.

South Lake drive was so beautiful that we decided to go back here today.  But before that we made our first stop at Mc Gee Creek.  The drive to creek is not that long but Tim loved it because it’s full of yellow color.  We stopped here for a few minutes so that Tim could take a short walk around.  Next stop was Rock Creek Canyon.  Last year we loved this place but now that we saw South Lake drive, Rock Creek Canyon suddenly became less interesting.

Noon, we arrived at Bishop; and this time we stopped by Pizza Factory with hoping that William would eat pizza. The last 2 days he didn’t eat much so I was kinda worried.  Turned out this place has a little game room so we let William playing here while waiting for our pizza.  To my surprise, William ate lots of pizza!  I was so happy that he finally wanted to eat something during our trip.

To my disappointment, after only 1 night, the leaves turned dark and didn’t look as beautiful as we saw yesterday.  But today we found a waterfall on the way (left hand side), which we didn’t see yesterday.  We stopped here to take a few family pictures.   Then we continued our way to the small waterfall near the Parcher Resort.  The light at this hour was so harsh that we didn’t stay here long; so we decided to drive back the Mammoth Lakes.

In the Mammoth Lakes area, we stopped shortly at the view point of the Twin Lake, took the Twin Lake loop and checked out the Mary lake, Mamie Lake and Horseshoe lake.  Tim called Horseshoe lake is a dead lake because the trees around this lake is all dead, look like they had a fire or something.  When we got here the sun was set; so it was about time to get back to the hotel; which is only 7 minutes away.

Dinner: Chao ga for William, we had bo cuon banh tranh voi rau.  Dessert: William loved to eat the chocolate cupcake.

Tonight, unlike previous 2 nights, William had a little trouble sleeping; I almost felt asleep before him.  I wished he could sleep earlier so that I could start packing because we were leaving the next morning.  I tried to pack earlier but he kept jumping up on the suit case and took the stuffs out so I decided to wait till he sleeps to pack.


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