MT's Travel Notes

Our footsteps around the world …

Archive for March, 2013

Swallows Day

Swallows Story ” The miracle of the “Swallows” of Capistrano takes place each year at Mission San Juan Capistrano, on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day. As the faithful little birds wing their way back to the most famous mission in California, the village of San Juan Capistrano takes on a fiesta air and the visitors […]

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Cherry Flowers in Lancaster

It had been 2 years since we visitted the Cherry flowers in Lancaster so I thought this year we had to go; the reason (why we did not go) being when we decided to go around end of March, I heard others said the flowers were already done so we canceled the plan.  So this […]

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Kite Party at HB

It was a beautiful Saturday morning so we decided to take out our bikes and pedal along the Huntington Beach ocean side and to check out the Kite Party there.  There were not that many kites as we expected but there were a few performances by the professionals who’ve been doing this for years on […]

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Cherry Flowers in Arvin

It’s spring time again, my search for flowers has begun!  Arvin, which is about 3 hours from OC, has lots of Almonds farms, which at this time of year are showing white blooms.  Almond trees produce white flowers; we were looking for pink flowers around this area but could not find any. It was about […]

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