MT's Travel Notes

Our footsteps around the world …

Archive for the 'United States' Category

Civil War Reenactment 2016

Beautiful day at the Central Library in Huntington Beach.  We met my family at the park and had lunch together. The kids didn’t like the sounds of the cannons though.

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Miami, Florida

Aug 21 – Aug 26, 2015 More Photos of the Trip This is the beginning of our Florida-Bahamas trip: we stayed in Miami for the first 5 days then flew to the Bahamas and stayed there for the next 4 days. In Miami, we stayed at the beach front Alexander Resort Hotel (5225 Collins Avenue, […]

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Lake Arrowhead Village

A few of our friends from travel group (cô chú Minh, cô Annie, cô Lệ, chú Phước, chị Tina) were camping at Dogwood campsite in Lake Arrowhead; and they invited us to join them but being pregnant I would not feel comfortable sleeping in the tent so we decided to go there early in the […]

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Michael Bolton Concert

I thought the Grove of Anaheim would be more like a stadium but it’s not; it has tables where they serve dinner from 6:30PM – 7:30PM.   Their menu is simple with average prices: appetizers from $13.00 and entrees from $16.00. They have pitches full of ice water and small plastic cups on the tables for […]

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Swallows Day

Swallows Story ” The miracle of the “Swallows” of Capistrano takes place each year at Mission San Juan Capistrano, on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day. As the faithful little birds wing their way back to the most famous mission in California, the village of San Juan Capistrano takes on a fiesta air and the visitors […]

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