MT's Travel Notes

Our footsteps around the world …

Swallows Day

Written By: moonie - Mar• 23•13

Swallows Story

” The miracle of the “Swallows” of Capistrano takes place each year at Mission San Juan Capistrano, on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day.

As the faithful little birds wing their way back to the most famous mission in California, the village of San Juan Capistrano takes on a fiesta air and the visitors from all parts of the world, and all walks of life, gather in great numbers to witness the “miracle” of the return of the swallows.

At dawn on St. Joseph’s Day, the little birds arrive and begin rebuilding their mud nests, which are clinging to the ruins of the Great Stone Church of San Juan Capistrano. The arches of the two story, vaulted Great Stone Church were left bare and exposed, as the roof collapsed during the earthquake of 1812. ”


We enjoyed the colorful parade even thought it was so hard to find the parking, and we had to walk a little bit to the Mission from where we parked.  I think the best spot to take pictures is the parade starting point which is only 1 small block from the main street.   At this spot the performers are waiting for their turns; and they’re willing to pose for us to take pictures.


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