MT's Travel Notes

Our footsteps around the world …

Cherry Flowers in Lancaster

Written By: moonie - Mar• 16•13
Điệu quá! :)

Điệu quá! 🙂

It had been 2 years since we visitted the Cherry flowers in Lancaster so I thought this year we had to go; the reason (why we did not go) being when we decided to go around end of March, I heard others said the flowers were already done so we canceled the plan.  So this year we planned to go on mid-March to make sure that we would not miss the flower blossoms.

With all the excitement we woke up early around 7:30AM with hoping to get there before noon.  It was so windy & cold when we got to Gorman around 10:30AM.  When we arrived to the Cherry fields; the disappointment unfold before my eyes: the whole field has been abandoned; not sure for how long but most of the trees are dead!  Some trees still have flowers but there are very few flowers, i guess because lack of water & nutrition.


The whole field is dead!

My heart was broken but we tried to make the best out of it by selecting some good trees and took a few photos.


Free spirit!


I’m having fun with the red lantern

After that we drove to the Grapevine to check out the lupine field near the gas station but we missed an exit and stumbled on the Wheeler Ridge drive: the road that has lots of white almond flowers that we stopped by 2 weeks ago. To our surprise, all flowers are gone: all the trees are now filled with green leaves.

We made a U-turn to go back that gas station on Grapevine exit: another disappointment! There are no lupines yet; actually Tim spotted a few. I guess it’s still too early for wildflowers. Same thing in Gorman, the field is still very green.

Love the dead trees!

Love the dead trees!

Beautiful day!

Beautiful day!


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