MT's Travel Notes

Our footsteps around the world …

Cherry Flowers in Arvin

Written By: moonie - Mar• 02•13

It’s spring time again, my search for flowers has begun!  Arvin, which is about 3 hours from OC, has lots of Almonds farms, which at this time of year are showing white blooms.  Almond trees produce white flowers; we were looking for pink flowers around this area but could not find any.

M & T and Almonds Trees

M & T with Almonds Trees

Urban road

Urban road

It was about 80% blooms so I guess the flowers still will be very beautiful until the next 2 weeks.

As we were driving we found these guys, they ran away (slowly) when we approached them.

Sheeps along the road

Sheep along the road

We (T, aunt Vân & me) left OC around 7:30 AM, stopped by Carl’s Jr. in Gorman for a quick breakfast and then headed to Arvin.  We did not plan to make an exit at Wheeler Ridge Dr. (from freeway 5N) but we saw lots of white flowers from freeway so we decided to exit.  It was a very wise choice because on this road we found lots of white flowers.

Continue on Wheeler Ridge Dr. and make a right turn on Bear Mountain (hwy 223), we found more flowers on this main street that leads to Arvin town.

We left Arvin around 4:00 PM; the GPS took us to hwy 99 and then freeway 5S which is longer!So it’s better to go back to Wheeler Ridge and to freeway 5S.

Side note: wildflowers are not found anywhere in Arvin at this time.  There were few yellow patches but that’s all.


Peru Trip

Written By: moonie - Apr• 17•10

Apr 17 – May 1, 2010

Cô chú Minh, cô chú Đường, cô Annie, cô chú Phước Thắm, chị Phương, chị Tina, anh Khánh Phạm, Hòa & me.

Cusco: The Temple of Koricancha, Cathedral of Cusco

Near Cusco: Inca Ceremenial Center of Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Tambomachay

Aguas Calientes: Machu Picchu

The Sacred Valley of Incas: Andean Market of Pisac, Inca ruins of Pisac, Ollantaytambo town, El Mirador, Inca Ruins of Maras & Moray

On the way to Puno: Andahuaylillas, Inca temple of Racchi, village of Sicuani, La Raya, Community of Pukara

Puno: Lake Titicaca, The Uros Floating Islands, Taquile Island

Arequipa: Monastery Santa Catalina, Main Square, Yanahura

On the way to Colca Canyon: Pampas Canahuas National Reserve, The lookout point of the Andes

Colca Canyon: Village of Chivay, Hot Springs, Cruz del Condor, Colca River and hanging pre-Inca tombs

Nazca: Fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines

Lima: La Huaca Pucllana, the Paseo de la Republiaca, San Martin Square, the Plaza Mayor (Main Square), Government Palace, Archibishop's Palace, the Basilica Cathedral, Municipal Palace, Convent of San Franscisco, district of San Isidro, Olive Grove, Miraflores, Larco Mar